Saturday, January 9, 2016

Tempat Kerja Online Gratis

20+ Tempat Kerja Online Gratis (Situs Freelance Work)

Daftar Tempat Kerja Online

(Freelance Works Sites)

Berikut ini beberapa daftar  tempat kerja online dimana anda dibayar untuk melakukan tugas atau pekerjaan (proyek) tertentu.

Tempat kerja online yang saya maksud ini adalah situs dimana anda bisa melaksanakan tugas yang anda tentukan sendiri atau yang telah ditentukan, dan anda akan dibayar sesuai jumlah tugas yang bisa anda kerjakan.

Berikut ini adalah daftar beberapa situs yang menyediakan kerja online (freelance works sites): 

Situs Kerja Online GRATIS  
    Odesk --> sangat populer
    Just a Five
    Dollar 3

    Mechanical Turk
    Cloud Crowd

Situs Kerja Online BERBAYAR
  Elance --> sangat populer
  Freelancer  --> sangat populer  

Situs Kerja Online Penulis Lepas (Freelance Writer)  
Bagi Anda yang suka menulis artikel dan bisa menulisnya ke dalam bahasa Inggris yang baik dan benar, Anda berkesempatan untuk menjadi Penulis Lepas di beberapa situs berikut ini:
  Demand Studios 
  Constant Content
  Yahoo Voice
  Break Studios

Situs Kerja Onlline untuk Job Terjemahan

Merupakan situs web yang hanya memuat job terjemahan, alih bahasa, proofing/editing, localization, subtitling, transcription dan sebagainya yang relevan dengan kebahasaan. 

Situs Kerja Online Asli Indonesia
   Gobann  ---> terbaru

Situs Penyedia Kerja (Outsorsing)  Indonesia

Situs Penyedia Kerja (Outsorsing)  Internasional 

Monday, November 30, 2015

Inspection Service in Indonesia

Freelance Inspection Service in Indonesia, we are quality control company services in Indonesia to protect your business, reduce your risk and ensure quality product are manufactured and delivered to the final destination.

Freelance Inspection Service Indonesia for Hard good Quality Inspections of services throughout Indonesia (especially on Java island) to help your business :

·         Reduce any risks including quality, loading, storage, transportation to meet requirements.
·         Stay informed about production and working environment.
·         Make sure all must be meet requirements.
·         Keeping your time and save your money.

Our management team in All across Indonesia (especially Java island), our team consist QC expert on Furniture, Handy craft, Plush toys, Cookware, and Electronic (home appliances).
We help customers improve performance, gain efficiency in manufacturing and logistics, overcome market constraints, and reduce risk.
We’ve earned a reputation for helping our customers increase the value of their products, gain competitive advantage, and develop trusted brands.

During Production Inspection (DUPRO)
Inspect production when at least around 20% of the order has been completed from product specifications, packaging, packing and marking are meet, also giving supplier recommendations on site, that would be quality is maintained to meet requirement.
More generally, the During Production Inspection makes it possible to provide recommendations on site, so that the quality is maintained throughout the entire production phase.
During Production Check would helps you identify and fix issues early in the manufacturing cycle.

Our team would be monitoring all production when requested, if the expected production capacity is reached to complete the order on time. Production Monitoring puts an inspector on site during the production cycle, representing your interests, to ensure production, materials, quality, schedules are at the level you and your manufacturer initially agreed upon.
It is recommended to have an inspector at the factory throughout production, monitoring your order and reporting back to you daily so you can identify and fix problems in real time.

Pre Shipment Inspection (PSI)
The Inspection for quality of production is in accordance with the specifications or purchase orders, It is carried out when a minimum of 80% of the goods ordered are export packed.
Samples are selected at random, according to specified sampling plans and procedures. The inspection ensures that the production is in accordance with the specifications, purchase orders or letters of credit.
Performing a detailed inspection helps ensure the conformity of production to your original specifications. With a detailed inspection report in your hands, you can then make the critical decisions regarding shipment of your goods.

Container Loading Check (CLC)
Checking the quality and quantity of the goods to be shipped to make sure everything should be delivered well, the inspector must monitors all product loaded into the container is in good condition, according to the quantity specified in the purchase order.
This is carried out in the manufacturer’s warehouse or at the forwarder’s premise.
Our inspectors will check products’ information, quantity, packaging, marking when loading supervise the whole loading process and help manufacturer finish loading under correct and clear working clauses and working process.
Container Load Check is the final step in the manufacturing process to ensure the final details of your product are correct and actual ordered quantity are securely loaded onto your container before signing off and settling final payment, we put an inspector onsite at the factory loading site, so you can be assured there won’t be any mistakes related to wrong size of shipment, damaged packaging and goods, or various other potential oversights.

Please email to for further question and information.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Container Inspection (Inspeksi Kontainer)

Saya pernah mengalami hal yang sangat tidak mengenakkan sebagai seorang Quality Control yakni mendapat klaim dari buyer. Klaim tersebut karena barang yang terkirim kesana karton boxnya basah karena kontainer yang dipakai ternyata di beberapa bagiannya bocor. Terutama di bagian pojok pojok kontainer.

Mengapa kebocoran kontainer bisa terjadi? Hal ini sebenarnya wajar terjadi, apabila usia kontainer sendiri sudah tidak muda lagi, otomatis di beberapa bagian nya akan mengalami proses karat. Ini dikarenakan kontainer mengalami proses perjalanan yang panjang terutama proses perjalanan di laut di lambung kapal. Terkena air karena hujan dan hempasan ombak dan air laut bisa jadi penyebab utama badan kontainer berkarat.

Bagaimana cara untuk melakukan inspeksi kontainer ternyata sangat mudah, siapkan saja selang air yang panjang dan tentu saja keran air, naik ke atas badan kontainer dan guyurkan air secara merata ke bagian atas kontainer. Setelah air rata mengguyur bagian atas kontainer, segera masuk ke dalam kontainer, kalau kontainer berada di ruang terbuka tutup pintu kontainer dan hanya sisakan sedikit bagian terbuka hingga sinar matahari hanya sedikit yang masuk. Kemudian cek ke dalam terutama langit langit kontainer, adakah air yang menetes atau yang paling ekstrem jika ada kebocoran besar akan ada cahaya atau sinar matahari yang masuk melewati lubang yang bocor tersebut.

Oh ya, jangan lupa untuk menambahkan dry pack yang digantung di dinding kontainer dengan jumlah 6 pc untuk kontainer 20 ft, dan antara 10-12pc untuk 40 ft dan high cube. Serta cek juga MC lantai kontainer, saya sendiri memakai batasan tertinggi untuk MC sebesar 30% dengan setting kayu memakai kayu keras seperti Merbau. Sekian tips dari saya semoga bermanfaat.